Whatcom Pax Christi is on board as supporting this pilgrimage. The idea for this walk grew out of a year long study of nonviolence which our local Pax Christi group did, using the workbook From Violence to Wholeness, published by the Pace e Bene Center. The last exercises had us using consensus to choose an issue to focus on. We chose immigration since we had clear guidance from the Bishops and because it was impacting our community and parish.
In addition, Pax Christi USA, NETWORK: A Catholic Social Justice Lobby, JustFaith Bellingham and Assumption Parish in Bellingham (our home parish) have all endorsed our pilgrimage. Other supporters include One America and Community to Community Development, a local non-profit that is actively involved in immigration issues.
Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center (IPJC) is not only endorsing, but has been actively supporting this pilgrimage with walking and hospitality, as well as timely advice, for which we are grateful.
St. Mary's Church in Seattle are enthusiastically supporting this pilgrimage!