I just heard that a group of people from the Skagit Valley are going to begin a pilgrimage on Saturday, May 15, 2010, starting at St. Charles Church. They will walk to St. James Cathedral in Seattle and then to the courthouse! This is short notice for organizing to accompany them, but I will post here anything I hear. They plan to walk from the Skagit to Seattle in 5 days and to stay at any church which will open their doors!
Hi Mary and Nick Mele;
As you can see we are together One more Time...In Our Faith in Love with Good...In our Dream to wish a better world for all of us, for our Families and Our childrens ..Both of you guys plus Father Tom are leaving a Good Will (The Best)!!!A Will of Love, Faith and Justice in this World ....
Como pueden observa Estamos juntos una vez mas...En nuestra Fe en dios...En nuestro Sueño de desear un Mejor mundo para todos Nosotros, para nuestras familias y nuestros hijos...Ustedes dos y el Padre Tom Mc.estan dejando un Testamento el Mejor!! Un testamento de Amor,Fe y justicia en este mundo !!.....
Leticia Jimenez, Alexa and Isaac.
We will Walking togheter to the End!
Skagit one America .
Si Se puede!!! If HATe talks Justice Walks
Si el Odio Camina ..
por mi Raza hablara mi Espiritu!!La Justicia HAbla!!!
Posted by: Leticia Jimenez | 05/18/2010 at 11:39 PM
An Important Message from OneAmerica Executive Director Pramila Jayapal
From: Pramila Jayapal, Executive Director, OneAmerica
Sent: Tue 5/18/10 2:05 PM
This moment calls to attention the moral crisis we face. Millions of human beings living in the shadows, who just want the same thing that all of us want-the ability to take care of our families and live with dignity. The ability to be a full and loving human being, without fear and in the fullness of the light.
We desperately need immigration reform that allows the undocumented to be legalized, that allows families to be together, workers to be safe from exploitation and everyone to have full rights and protections. And we need to fight against the racism, physical and verbal violence that has been escalating.
It is time for us to escalate back - but with love and with civil disobedience.
Every great movement and change that has occurred in the history of the world has required tremendous courage and sacrifice in the face of injustice. In Selma, it took people being confronted with firehoses, dogs and turmoil. It took Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat in the bus. In India, it took millions of people marching to the seat to harvest salt that the law said they couldn't do, and then being arrested and put in jail. In El Salvador, it took decades of struggle and sacrifice in the face of torture and brutality.
As you know, we have been fighting against the clock to get a just and humane immigration reform bill introduced into the U.S. Senate and passed this year.
On March 21 in Washington, DC, a delegation of 50 from Washington state rallied and marched together with 250,000 people on the National Mall. On April 10, 8,000 people from every corner of Washington state came to Seattle for a rally calling for a bill by May 1. On May 1, we marched and rallied again in towns that had not seen major rallies for years: Walla Walla, Wenatchee, Pasco, Vancouver, Mt. Vernon and others. Here in Seattle, 10,000 people marched with still no bill in sight.
On May 13, actions took place in front of Republican Congressmembers' offices in Bellevue, Pasco, Yakima and Walla Walla. Republicans have refused to come forward to support immigration reform, playing the same old politics as before instead of working with conscience for their constituents. Araceli, a 13-year old leader, said this: "A lot of people think that us children don't notice the problems that come without us having immigration reform. Every single day, kids in America are watching their parents suffer. Every single day I see my dad praying that one day he can see his parents again."
At the same time, President Obama has yet to fully throw himself into the fight for immigration reform, breaking promises he made to Latinos and immigrants across the country during his campaign to pass immigration reform in his first year of office.
This is not change we can believe in.
We are proud that yesterday, the City of Seattle joined other cities and organizations across the country to make our statement, voting unanimously to boycott Arizona and urgently calling on the President and Congress to pass immigration reform.
Today, in a national press teleconference, we joined with leaders of immigrant rights organization and national organizations to announce a series of escalations and acts of civil disobedience that will occur across America until we get comprehensive immigration reform and freedom for tens of millions across the country.
This Thursday, on May 20, at 11 AM, we ask you to come together at the Federal Building in downtown Seattle as several leaders of the faith, labor and immigrant communities prepare to take the next steps. We will be joined by Revs. Leslie Braxton of New Beginnings Church, Monica Corsaro of the Church Council of Greater Seattle, and Angela Ying of Bethany United Church of Christ.
In solidarity with those who will put their bodies on the line, OneAmerica member Juan Jose Maldonado and other marchers from
Skagit OneAmerica Base Group members walk on the "76 Miles for Justice Trek" from Burlington to Seattle to push for an end to family separation and for immigration reform.
Began walking this past Saturday on a 76 mile trek for justice, walking 15-17 miles each day, from near the Canadian border to Seattle to join us at the rally and action on Thursday.
We ask that you join Juan Jose and all of us on Thursday, May 20 at the Federal Building at 11 AM. Surround us with love and with hope, with the possibility of the world we are fighting to create, a world of justice for ALL.
In solidarity,
Posted by: Pramila Jayapal OneAmerica Executive Director | 05/19/2010 at 08:13 AM